Image Classification, Keras & Tensor flow
I have a strong desire to pursue a career that utilizes Neural Networks. For this project, I gathered my own data using a remote Raspberry Pi that collected image data for microgreen plants. The project was built for a business in Arizona called Thrive and grow farms. The goal was to build a neural network that could differentiate between microgreen plants. For this project, we selected two popular microgreen plants speckled peas and black oil sunflowers.
My Final Presentation can be found here:
Here is an interview with the owner of Thrive and grow Farms after the work was completed:
Here was my project proposal for the class. You can see I like to be organized when planning a project. This project was very unique and designed from the ground up by me while collaborating with the owner of Thrive and grow farms.
This project featured a neural network that was highly accurate at distinguishing between the different microgreen plants.
“The Project was able to accurately predict microgreen images with a 98% success rate”
Key Features for this project:
All data was gathered using a raspberry pi 3B+.
Data was collected using USB cameras.
Relays were employed to control the lighting system remotely.
I built a new computer by hand for this project using a AMD 5900x CPU and a powerful GPU.
The network was built locally using a high-powered Nvidia 3090 RTX GPU.
The project also ran using WSL2 without GPU support as well as docker. (Abandoned for the GPU support in Linux)
The project was built in Linux Ubuntu 20.04 for GPU support.
To optimize the network I built a Jupyter Notebook that could build Neural Networks with different settings and save the networks to file.
It featured an early stopping system that served two purposes. One early stopping could save on processing time allowing me to make predictions faster with my neural network. Two it allowed me to avoid over-fitting the network to the data.
I also built a Network loader notebook that could load any of the previous networks I had built and make new predictions. This helped me optimize my neural network.
This project was designed and implemented by Jason Ismail. A student at Bellevue University. All intellectual rights reserved.
Feel free to contact me if you have any